<p><strong>Sains Organisasi</strong> is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering all aspects of <strong>management</strong>, such as <strong>organizational behavior</strong>, <strong>human resource management</strong>, <strong>organizational theory</strong>. This journal was founded in 2022 and is published by Yayasan Education Al Aqsho Modern. The mission of the journal is to publish empirical research that seeks to test, expand or build knowledge in the field of management and try to contribute to management practice.</p>Yayasan Education Al Aqsho Modernen-USSAINS ORGANISASI2828-4178The Influence of Ethical Judgment on Whistleblowing Decision Making Mediated by Mood
<p>The aim of this research is to determine the influence of ethical judgment on whistleblowing decision making which is mediated by mood. The location of the research was carried out at PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan with a sample size of 248 and consisting of 3 work areas. Data collection techniques use questionnaires and distributing questionnaires using Google Form. The data analysis technique in this research is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using SMArtPLS as a data processing tool. The results of this research show that ethical judgment has a positive and significant effect on whistleblowing decision making which is mediated by mood, so it is known that mood can mediate the relationship between ethical judgment and whistleblowing decision making. Apart from that, this research is also expected to contribute to the development of human resource management theory and practice, especially in increasing employee professionalism through these factors</p> <div id="urban-overlay" style="left: -10px; top: -10px; width: 0px; height: 0px;"> </div>Hengky Dharma SatriaAdi RahmatYogi Yunefri
Copyright (c) 2024 SAINS ORGANISASI
2023-10-302023-10-302423624410.55356/so.v2i4.64The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Creative Performance Mediated by Trust in Supervisor at PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan
<p>The aim of this research is to examine the influence by analyzing the impact of Transformational Leadership on Creative Performance, mediated by Trust In Supervisor, at Pertamina Hulu Rokan. The population in this study comprises all employees working in the Field Operations Department in Duri, totaling 60 employees, with a sample size of 59 respondents. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. The data analysis technique employed in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), utilizing SmartPLS 3.0 as the data processing tool. The results of this study indicate that Transformational Leadership has a significant direct impact on the Creative Performance of employees in the Field Operations Department at PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan. Transformational Leadership also has a significant direct impact on Trust in Supervisor for employees in the same department. The Trust in Supervisor variable also has a significant direct impact on the Creative Performance of employees in the Field Operations Department. The research findings also reveal that Trust in Supervisor is capable of mediating the relationship between Transformational Leadership and Creative Performance of employees in the Field Operations Department at PT. Pertamina Hulu Rokan. This implies that the better the Trust in Supervisor, the more it will influence the relationship between Organizational Support Perception and Creative Performance</p> <div id="urban-overlay"> </div>MuzzamirAdi RahmatWita Dwika Listihana
Copyright (c) 2024 SAINS ORGANISASI
2023-10-302023-10-302424525910.55356/so.v2i4.65The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style and Compensation on Performance Mediated by Work Motivation in BPJS Employees
<p>Good performance is closely related to leadership figures. The success of a leader is greatly influenced by his leadership model, which includes leadership abilities and interactions between leaders, subordinates and superiors, the organization, and the environment. Apart from leadership, a good compensation system will be able to provide satisfaction for employees and enable companies to acquire, employ and retain employees. The background to this research is also supported by the existence of a research gap in several studies that are interesting to review regarding the variables studied. Based on the existing problem formulation, the aim of this research is to determine the effect of transformational leadership style and compensation on performance mediated by work motivation in BPJS Employment employees at the Duri and Dumai Branch Offices. This research approach uses quantitative methods, namely research methods that are based on the philosophy of positivism and are used to study certain populations or samples. In this research, the population studied was all employees at the BPJS Employment Duri and Dumai Branch offices, namely 60 (sixty) people. Total sampling is a sampling technique where the number of samples is the same as the population. Based on the results of the analysis, several conclusions can be drawn as follows: 1) Based on calculations, it proves that transformational leadership has a negative and insignificant influence on the work motivation of BPJS Employment employees at the Duri and Dumai Branch Offices. 2) compensation has a positive and significant influence on employee work motivation. 3) transformational leadership style has an insignificant influence on employee performance. 4) compensation has an insignificant influence on employee performance, 5) work motivation has a positive and significant influence on performance, 6) there is a negative influence of transformational leadership style on performance through work motivation. 7) Mediation test of the seventh hypothesis that compensation has a significant effect on performance through work motivation at BPJS Employment Duri and Dumai Branch Offices</p> <div id="urban-overlay" style="left: -10px; top: -10px; width: 0px; height: 0px;"> </div>Yohana Sri WahyuniFahmi OemarAgus Seswandi
Copyright (c) 2024 SAINS ORGANISASI