The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Teacher Professional Commitment and the Mediation Role of Teacher Academic Optimism
Transformational Leadership, teacher's professional commitment, teacher's academic optimismAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher professional commitment and the mediating role of teacher academic optimism. This research was conducted on teachers in 10 schools in Bengkalis distnct, Riau Province, there were 232 respondents as the research sample, while the research time was carried out between October and December 2021 Data analysis techniques were in the form of validity and reliability tests with SEM-analysis. PLS via software WarpPLS Version 7.0 This study has found that transformational leadership indirectly affects the professional commitment of teachers in carrying out their duties, which is 0.423. In addition, this study also shows that the effect of transformational leadership on teacher professional commitment is mediated by teacher's academic optimism of 0 535 This study found that transformational leadership directly affects teachers’ professional commitment by 0.112. The principal's transformational leadership has a positive predictive effect on teacher academic optimism of 0.603 and teachers’ academic optimism has a direct effect on teacher professional commitment of 0 702.
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