Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): SAINS ORGANISASI
Work Family Conflict Relationship to Organizational Commitment with Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediation Variable at Puri Husada Hospital Tembilahan
Consequences of Interpersonal Capitalization in the Workplace
Analysis of Patient Preferences in Choosing Health Services at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Pekanbaru
The “Bottom-Line” Mentality of Leaders and Subordinates Towards Social Undermining
Impact of Unscrupulous Management on Moral Identity and Knowledge Sabotage Behavior
The Effect of Job Stress on Subjective Well-Being with Coping Style as Intervening
The Effect of Mediation on Patient Satisfaction on the Relationship between Characteristics and Quality of Service on Patient Loyalty at the Beringin Jaya Public Health Center Labuhan Batu Selatan